Mindfulness classes are starting

We are sincerely inviting everyone who is interested in meditation to open classes devoted to Mindfulness -the practice of meditation based on MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction). It is a technique developed by professor Jon Kabat-Zinn and it can be practiced by everyone regardless health condition, age or religion.

The classes take place every Friday at 7pm and are run by Tatiana Łysiak. Mindfulness classes – it is time devoted to your body, emotions and consciousness. These open group classes give you a chance to feel the presence and observation of what is happening around you.

When we practice mindfulness, that is when we focus on feelings and emotions in our body, on breathing, sounds, observation of thoughts and emotions, on everything that is present for us now and here and when we observe in a non judgmental way, with acceptance and child’s openness, it may turn out that we find the truth about ourselves, which has a healing power. We are sincerely inviting those who have never practiced mindfulness, those who already meditate as well as graduates of MBSR courses.
